
A | B | C | D | E | G | H | I | L | M | P | S | T | U | W


Community Environment - PEVC

5 days
The program outlines today’s environmental challenges, familiarizes participants with the union’s perspective on environmental issues and solutions; builds enthusiasm for environmental activism; and tackles the challenges and benefits of working with community groups.
Paid Education Leave (PEL)

Conflict Resolution - Level 1 - PCR1

5 days
This is an introductory course in making conflict productive. Conflict is normal, natural, and in many cases, necessary for change.
Paid Education Leave (PEL)


Duty to Accommodate - ACOMDA1

1 day

Our job as trade unionists is to ensure that our workplaces are accessible to everyone – including workers with disabilities, workers of all religious backgrounds, and women.

Area School


Electoral Candidate Development - PECD

5 days
Electoral Candidate Development: for members interested in getting involved in Municipal, Provincial, or Federal politics.
Paid Education Leave (PEL)

Ergonomics - Introduction - PERGO

5 days

This course has been designed to demystify the “Ergonomic Process”, allowing our leadership/activists to see beyond the one-dimensional aspect of injury reduction (important as this is), while also recognizing a powerful t

Paid Education Leave (PEL)