Conflict Resolution - Level 1 - PCR1
Duty to Accommodate - ACOMDA1
Our job as trade unionists is to ensure that our workplaces are accessible to everyone – including workers with disabilities, workers of all religious backgrounds, and women.
Duty to Accommodate: For Unifor Representatives (Mini Self-Directed Module) - OLDTA
This is an online mini self-directed module for union stewards and reps who want to better understand the employer’s Duty to Accommodate and our role as a union in the process.
Electoral Candidate Development - PECD
Ergonomics - Introduction - PERGO
This course has been designed to demystify the “Ergonomic Process”, allowing our leadership/activists to see beyond the one-dimensional aspect of injury reduction (important as this is), while also recognizing a powerful t
Getting to Know Your Union (Mini Self-Directed Module) - OLUNION
This is an online mini self-direct module that focuses on knowing who we are, what we stand for, and how we work.
Getting to Know Your Union - AUNION1
This interactive one-day course is a basic introduction to Unifor.
Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership - AGHWL3
Are you a chairperson, steward or a committeeperson? Would you like to develop or sharpen your skills?