
Family Day weekend rally for Sea to Sky transit workers

WHISTLER—The region’s transit workers and their supporters will gather in Whistler Village on the Family Day weekend to send B.C. Transit a message that workers and community members are united.

“Transit workers help connect our communities and keep the economy moving,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “It’s time B.C. Transit recognize the important work done by transit workers in the Sea to Sky corridor.”

Whistler transit negotiations break down

WHISTLER—Strike action will begin at 5 a.m. on Saturday, January 29 as B.C. Transit’s contractors refuse to close the pay gap for Whistler-area transit operators, says Unifor.

“We are prepared to negotiate but we cannot say the same for B.C. Transit’s contractors in Whistler, Squamish, and Pemberton,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Without a fair offer to vote on, our member will take strike action.” 

Returning for National Bargaining 2022


Last year upon the completion of provincial bargaining, the restrictions in place meant we did a one year roll over collective agreement that was ratified by the membership with a wage increase that is due to expire on March 31, 2022.

Where we are at

Your national bargaining committee had plans to convene in Toronto the last week of January to commence negotiations. With the current pandemic status and the multiple restrictions, been put in place is making us reevaluate the timing of negotiations.

Unifor members at Port of Vancouver ratify pattern agreement

Container truckers at Aheer Transportation and Prudential Transportation overwhelmingly ratified a pattern agreement avoiding a potential strike at Canada’s largest port. 

The agreement helps Unifor truckers achieve some the best wages and benefits at the port.

“Unifor’s pattern agreement has set the standard in Metro Vancouver’s container trucking industry for years,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Truckers deserve an agreement that reflects their significant contribution to our economy.”

Unifor serves 72-hour strike notice to two container trucking companies

VANCOUVER—Container truck drivers at Aheer Transportation and Prudential Transportation could be on strike as soon as December 3, 2021 after 72-hours notice was served today by Unifor.

“Unifor will not let Aheer and Prudential escape their responsibilities to workers,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “The pattern collective agreement negotiated this summer is fair and reasonable. There will be no exemptions for greedy employers.”