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Alberta budget a disappointment for workers

EDMONTON—The Kenney government’s continued pursuit of a balanced budget at any cost will continue to harm workers and their families, says Unifor, Canada’s largest private sector union. 

“The speed at which Jason Kenney wants to balance the budget is purely ideological and will do significant harm to Alberta’s most vulnerable,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “There is simply no economic reason whatsoever to cut funding to schools and hospitals as Premier Kenney insists.”

FCA shift cut will eliminate 1,500 jobs at Windsor Assembly Plant

February 27, 2020 WINDSOR– The decision by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) to cut the third shift at the Windsor Assembly Plant will eliminate approximately 1,500 direct jobs, lead to significant job loss in the parts supply chain, and inflict damage to both the local and national economy. “Unifor is very disappointed that FCA was unable to find a solution that would have avoided job losses,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Del Monte workers join Unifor

Workers at an Oshawa warehouse for Del Monte have voted overwhelmingly to join Unifor, following certification vote ordered by the Labour Board...

From Earth Day to May Day

As organizations, we understand that the time to fight for immediate and bold climate action is now, but that the needed economic transition will not

Bulletin #1


We opened bargaining on Feb. 11 with BellMTS. This is where we brought your concerns about job security to the table and gave our proposals to the Company.

This is a very different set of negotiations for Unifor Local 7. The first set where Bell is fully in control of the company and directs the local BellMTS company bargaining team.

In the Co-op dispute, the company can’t be let off the hook

By Jerry Dias, Unifor National President

By now, the entire country is aware of the ten week long lockout at the Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) refinery in Regina. What fewer people know is the length to which the company has worked to prolong it. It has deftly used numerous systemic advantages to try to break our union. FCL has been let off the hook time and again. It has to stop.

On December 5, 2019, FCL locked out 730 members of Unifor Local 594 after walking back on its promise to keep workers’ pensions in place.

Province appoints special mediator in Co-op Refinery dispute

February 12, 2020

REGINA—Unifor welcomes the appointment of renowned mediator Vince Ready by Saskatchewan Labour Minister Don Morgan to assist in reaching a collective agreement with Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) to end the 69-day lockout at the refinery.

Unifor outraged at Regina Police denial of lawful picket

February 07, 2020 REGINA – Unifor is outraged at the actions of the Regina Police Service to deny lawful picketing by locked-out workers at Co-op Refinery. “Regina Police blocking access to picket locations at the bidding of Co-op Refinery is a clear violation of Charter rights,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. This morning Regina Police blocked access on Ninth Avenue North between McDonald and Winnipeg streets to all picketers while escorting Co-op trucks through to the refinery as uniformed officers checked the trucker’s names off lists at the barriers.

Schlegel long-term care workers speak about breakdown in negotiations

February 7, 2020

WINDSOR– Members of Unifor Local 2458 at Schlegel long-term care facilities will be available to speak to media with details on the breakdown in negotiations with the employer.

“The success of these negotiations must be the dignified care of long-term care residents through proper respect paid to the workers who provide them hands-on care each and every day – anything less than that is unacceptable,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. 

Members of the media are invited to attend the media availability:

Unifor 594 outlines plan to go back to work Monday

REGINA –Today Unifor outlined a path to immediately end the lockout at the Co-op Refinery and return Local 594 members back to work as early as Monday.

“The decision by Co-op Refinery to lock out its employees is hurting not just the workers but the people of Saskatchewan and Co-op could easily end it today,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor is calling for the Saskatchewan government to agree to the appointment of a mediator with the power to implement a binding settlement. 

The path to end the lockout includes: