Our Resources

Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT)

Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) Héctor Daer, Secretario General Compañero Daer, Re: Solidaridad con los sindicatos y trabajadores de Argentina en su llamado a la huelga general el 24 de enero...

Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT)

Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) Héctor Daer, General Secretary Greetings Brother Daer, Re: Solidarity with unions and workers across Argentina for the January 24th National General Strike On...

Fall/Winter 2024 Online Schedule

Eastern Time Online Local Union Finance (OLLUF2) September 18-19, 2024 Registration Deadline: August 28 Online Mental Health Matters (OLMHM1) October 15, 2024 Registration Deadline: September 24...

Unifor EI Basics - Frequently Asked Questions

Employment Insurance (EI) Regular Benefit Basics How and where do I apply for EI Regular Benefits? To apply for EI benefits, you must submit an application for EI online. This can be done at home, at...
Government and Democracy
Jobs and the Economy