Hospitality Gaming

Fairmont Empress Hotel workers vote to strike if necessary

VICTORIA—A lack of progress from the employer at the bargaining table has forced members of Unifor Local 4276 to give their bargaining committee a strike mandate.

“The Fairmont Empress is a top-tier hotel and its workers deserve respect and fair compensation. It is a leader in the industry and we expect the collective agreement to lead the way,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “The employer must come to the table prepared to bargain a fair contract that reflects the critical contribution of hotel workers.”

Bargaining underway to set pattern for hotel workers in B.C.

VICTORIA—Unifor is back at the bargaining table with the Empress Hotel to negotiate a collective agreement that can serve as a template for upcoming negotiations in the hospitality sector.

“Unifor is a strong union for hotel workers,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Unifor members are leading by example and negotiating industry-leading contracts. What happens this spring at the Empress will help lead the way for our other negotiations.”

Cascades Delta Casino workers join Unifor

DELTA, B.C.—Workers at the Cascades casino in Delta became Unifor’s newest members after the B.C. Labour Board certified the unit on January 24, 2023.

“Unifor is very proud to welcome a new group of hospitality and gaming workers into our union, joining thousands of Unifor members in the sector. We thank the Cascades workers for choosing Unifor and I know they are eager to get started on having a say in improving their working conditions,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.  

Unifor reaches tentative agreements with casinos in Pickering and Ajax

TORONTO—The strike at two Great Canadian Gaming Corporation (GCGC) casinos in Ontario could soon be over after tentative agreements were signed today.

“My sincere congratulations to the Local 1090 members who took on a powerful employer to fight for what was fair,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National Secretary-Treasurer. 

Unifor members at Pickering Casino Resort and Casino Ajax have been on strike since July 29, 2022. Details of the tentative agreement will be released following the membership ratification votes to be held on August 5.

Hospitality and Gaming Sector Profile

Sector Facts and Figures Total GDP Share of Canadian GDP $35.1 billion 1.78% Exports ––– Imports ––– Foreign Trade Balance 5-year change ––– ­­––– Total Employment (2021) Change since 2011 1,059,500...
Hospitality Gaming

Unifor statement regarding member struck by a car at Casino Woodbine

A Unifor member of Local 1090 on a legal picket line at Casino Woodbine was struck deliberately by a car late on the evening of July 31, 2022.

Members of Unifor Local 1090 have been on strike at Great Canadian Gaming Corporation’s Pickering Casino Resort and Ajax Casino since Saturday, July 23, 2022 fighting for wage increases and to reduce the employer’s reliance on a precarious part-time workforce. 

In Canada, workers locked out or on strike may picket other sites owned by the employer, which is why a legal picket line was in place at Casino Woodbine.

Unifor picket line begins at Casino Woodbine

TORONTO—After negotiations broke down earlier today between Unifor and Great Canadian Gaming Corporation (GCGC), a secondary picket line was erected at GCGC-owned Casino Woodbine.

“Our members, workers at Pickering Casino and their other properties, are fighting for equality with workers at other casinos. They are looking for fairness and Unifor is with them in this struggle,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National Secretary-Treasurer.

New members sign first tentative agreement

Unifor Local 1090 members at Shorelines Casino Peterborough and Shorelines Casino Thousand Islands bargained a first tentative agreement on July 24, 2022. 

They credit the co-ordinated gaming sector bargaining table for the gains made in the contract, to be ratified later by the full membership of the unit.