Developing and Implementing Anti-Racism and Equity Workplace Surveys - Sample Language


Article XX.X
Developing and Implementing Anti-Racism and Equity Workplace Surveys

X.1 The Employer agrees to undertake, in collaboration with the Union, an annual anti-racism and equity survey of all Employees covered by this agreement. The goals of this survey would include, among other things: 
a)    Evaluating overall workplace diversity and representation;
b)    Evaluating internal recruitment/retention policies and practices and any existing equity and diversity policies;
c)    Tracking incidences of workplace racism, harassment and/or discrimination;
d)    Evaluating workplace culture of inclusion;
e)    Working with the union to ensure appropriate resources (e.g. education, training, translation of materials, etc.) are made available to employees surrounding anti-racism and related areas, such as mental health, safety, etc.;
f)    Ensuring compliance with existing provincial/federal government legislation pertaining to worker discrimination, harassment, human rights, employment equity, etc.;
g)    Identify and eliminate systemic barriers faced by equity-seeking groups in terms of workplace advancement, promotions, training opportunities, etc.
X.2 The survey will be conducted by employees during paid time. 
X.3 Results of the survey will be shared with the Union in a timely manner, all while ensuring and respecting respondent confidentiality and anonymity.
X.4 The Employer agrees to utilize baseline data gathered from an initial survey to develop and implement a workplace anti-racism and equity action plan. This plan, developed in collaboration with the Union, will include detailed policies, programs and initiatives aimed at promoting racial justice and equity in the workplace.
X.5 Subsequent survey data will be used to evaluate progress on the action plan and identify areas for improvement.