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Atlantic Regional Council 2024

Watch what members of the union discussed, debated and celebrated at the 10th Atlantic Regional Council in June 2024. From health and safety, to organizing, and winning anti-scab legislation, every moment was spent building a stronger voice for workers.

Viterra workers in Bécancour to start tenth week on strike

Unifor members at the Viterra canola and soybean processing and refining plant in Bécancour, Q.C. are entering their tenth week on strike. Since the beginning of this conflict, the 85 members of Local 2022 have shown exemplary determination in the face of the employer's inadequate proposals.

The parties have continued to negotiate in the presence of a conciliator, but unfortunately the employer persists in making unacceptable offers and shows no real willingness to settle the dispute.

Unifor members on strike against HCL Logistics

LONDON—Members of Unifor Local 27 have initiated legal strike action against the warehousing firm HCL Logistics

“The cost of living is rising, and workers across the country are demanding that their wages and working conditions keep up,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

HCL Logistics provides warehousing and logistics support to companies large and small. HCL stores military equipment for General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).

Bell Media workers in Agincourt, Ont. join Unifor

In a move that strengthens the Canadian media industry, 66 workers at Bell Media Inc., in Agincourt, Ont. have voted to join Unifor.

“Congratulations to our new members who have chosen Unifor to be in their corners they negotiate with their employer,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

“We will always fight to save local news and adding more members in newsrooms is a step in that direction.”

Open letter to Ontario’s Minister of Education on child care

Recently government of Ontario made the decision to advocate to federal government to increase the expansion of for-profit child care spaces in Ontario. The non-profit child care sector and its allies have come together to publish an open letter (below) to the Minister of Education, Todd Smith requesting that the province first support non-profit child care providers by investing in the workforce and capital expansion, as well as updating the funding formula. 

Unifor celebrates the vibrancy of Junior Carnival

Colourful sequined costumes with feathers, unwavering drumbeats, and boundless energy were the vibes at the Junior Carnival leading as part of this year’s Toronto Caribbean Carnival.

“We celebrate racial justice year-round and the summer is the perfect time to celebrate and champion Unifor members who help bring the Caribbean Carnival to life every year,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Unifor National President Lana Payne delivers inspiring speech at rally for public health care

"Every single generation of Canadians have had to fight for public health care," said Unifor National President Lana Payne to a crowd of hundreds rallying in Halifax in support of public health care. 

The rally took place in front of the Westin Hotel where the Premiers were meeting.

"We're going to continue to fight for public health care for all in this country until we win," continued Payne.

Global News layoffs magnify news deserts across Canada

TORONTO – Unifor is deeply concerned after Corus Entertainment Inc. – which owns Global News – announced job cuts that will affect Unifor media workers and journalists across the country.

“Every time an announcement like this comes in the media sector, it’s both heartbreaking and boils my blood,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

Members take action to demand Canada’s premiers fund public health care

Hundreds of health care workers and public health care advocates rallied to demand action on health care as Canada’s premiers met at the annual Council of the Federation meeting in Halifax on July 16. Organized by the Nova Scotia Health Coalition and the Canadian Health Coalition, of which Unifor is a member, the rally sent a strong message at a time when more provincial governments are choosing to privatize health care services rather than to address longstanding issues and funding shortfalls in the public system.

Unifor Local 1541 workers at Best Theratronics rallying for fair wages and workers' rights

Unifor Local 1541 members and PSAC-UNE Local 70369 held a solidarity rally in Kanata, Ontario to stand against the employers unfair labour practices and support striking workers. Unifor members at Best Theratronics have been on strike since May 1, 2024, fighting against a proposed contract with zero wage increases. Join us to see how these dedicated workers are standing up for their rights and demanding fair treatment.

Unifor members at GATX Rail ratify new agreement

RED DEER, AB – Members of Unifor Local 21-A at GATX Rail Canada in Red Deer, Alberta, have ratified a new four-year collective agreement with the company.

"This agreement reflects Unifor’s unwavering commitment to improving the lives of our members," said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. "The wage increases, enhanced benefits, and improved pensions are a testament to the strength and solidarity of our union."

RailLine, Volume 11 – Issue 16

Unifor members at GATX Rail ratify new agreement

Members of Unifor Local 21-A at GATX Rail Canada in Red Deer, Alberta, have ratified a new four-year collective agreement with the company with 93% support of the membership during voting on Friday, July 12. 

The new agreement brings significant improvements to wages, benefits, and working conditions, reflecting the strong efforts and commitment of the bargaining committee. The contract highlights are as follows:

Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Lebouthillier Re: Northern Cod

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada

The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard


Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Lebouthillier,

We write today on a serious matter needing your attention.

Union Members Appreciation BBQ Held During Calgary Stampede

Unifor hosted a successful members appreciation BBQ during the Calgary Stampede on July 10, 2024. The event, held to thank union members for their hard work and dedication, saw a fantastic turnout despite the heat, with members and their families enjoying food, music, and solidarity under the summer sun. 

Unifor members ratify new collective agreement with Shell

EDMONTON—Wage increases and a plan to move the Scotford refinery’s contract more in line with the Unifor Energy Bargaining Program are highlights of a four-year collective agreement ratified by Local 530-A members.

“I want to congratulate our members on standing up to a powerful employer and getting an incredible contract,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Achieving these gains was only possible because our members stood shoulder to shoulder to achieve fairness, and move all energy workers forward.”

Support Best Theratronics Workers on Strike!

A message from National President Lana Payne on 44 members on strike since May 1 at Best Theratronics – a medical manufacturing plant in Kanata,Ontario where they make equipment used in cancer treatments. 

This is their first labour dispute.

They were at the end of their rope. Let me tell you why. 

Unifor members ratify new contract with Manitoba Hydro

WINNIPEG—The public sector wage pattern and several benefits enhancements are highlights of the collective agreement ratified by members of Unifor Local 681.

“Unifor members at Manitoba Hydro Utility Services have worked hard to win a fair contract with the employer,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Congratulations to the bargaining committee and the membership for staying strong and bargaining tough.”

Unifor Local 2000 donates $428K from defunct trust program to local charities

Unifor members in the Local 2000 Printing Industry Health and Welfare Plan made two donations earlier this year, benefitting a children’s hospice and local food bank, in wake of the closing trust.

“Unifor commends Local 2000 for their generosity that benefits the province and communities across the B.C. region,” said Unifor Western Regional Director Gavin McGarrigle. “Our union isn’t only about fighting for workers, but supporting the important charities and programs that are part of the social fabric.”

We won anti-scab legislation!

Message from Unifor National President Lana Payne

To: All Unifor Members, Local union Presidents & Recording Secretaries, NEB, National Staff 

Unifor members ratify contract with Coast Coal Harbour Hotel

VANCOUVER—Significant wage increases and a reduction in housekeeping workloads are highlights of a collective agreement ratified by Unifor Local 3000 members at the Coast Coal Harbour Hotel.

“This agreement raises the bar in the hospitality industry for all hotel workers,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The bargaining committee could not have achieved these gains without the strength and solidarity from the members on the floor.”

Paladin security screeners at Calgary airport restricted from water, bathroom breaks

CALGARY–On the first day of the Calgary Stampede, Unifor is holding a rally at Calgary International Airport on July 5 to shine a spotlight on Paladin, after the security company’s refusal to provide bathroom breaks and water to workers.

“Access to water and washrooms are the most basic of asks in a workplace,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

Calgary airport security workers to protest lack of access to water and breaks

CALGARY—Unifor Local 2002 members and supporters at Calgary International Airport will rally on Friday, July 5 at noon to protest human rights violations by Paladin Security, which has prevented workers from accessing bathroom breaks and water.

“When a company prevents workers from rest breaks and hydration, it is both a human rights and a health and safety issue,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Unifor supports Newfoundland and Labrador fish harvesters’ call for reestablishment of Northern Cod Stewardship Fishery

Unifor and the Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union (FFAW) is urging the public to support fish harvesters in Newfoundland and Labrador, who are calling for the federal government to reverse its decision to reopen the northern cod commercial fishery to the offshore companies and return instead to the stewardship fishery.

“The federal government needs to exercise responsibility and reinstate the Northern Cod Stewardship Fishery to ensure that the resource continues to rebuild and be protected for generations to come,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.