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Freelancers start petition

Freelance workers, as independent contractors and as a group of workers in precarious conditions...

Quebec Council meets

Close to 400 delegates and guests gathered in Quebec City...

The battle for “Article 2”

Here on Day 3 of COP 21, Human Rights and worker rights have emerged as one of the key issues in the early negotiations. In the current draft text of "Article 2" there is a provision committing the parties to recognition of human rights and just transition for workers in implementing the COP21 agreement. However, a number of countries including Mexico, Norway, and the US are pushing to have these commitments moved to the non-binding preamble section. That is unacceptable for the labour delegates at COP who are lobbying hard to have Article 2 maintained in its present form.

World Aids Day

On December 1, World AIDS Day, unions around the world are taking action and working towards zero – zero discrimination, zero new infections and zero AIDS-related deaths. Unifor recognizes HIV/AIDS as a workplace, union and social justice issue and is committed to working with other unions, social partners and allies to tackle issues related to the spread of HIV/AIDS including sexual violence, health and development.

Unifor delegates have high expectations for climate talks

Unifor's delegation to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (“COP21”) has arrived in Paris for this historic world gathering. I am in Paris with a group of senior staff and Ken Smith, President of Local 707A, who is arriving today.

Unifor reaches new agreements with six container trucking companies

VANCOUVER, Nov. 29, 2015 /CNW/ - Container truck drivers at several Metro Vancouver trucking companies have voted to ratify collective agreements with Unifor today after several days of around-the-clock bargaining. Companies with new collective agreements include AG, Aheer, Forward, Prudential, and Sunlover.

Media Advisory - Unifor to join climate change activists in Paris at COP21

TORONTO, Nov. 27, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor National President Jerry Dias and a delegation of other leaders will be travelling to Paris to participate in the global gathering of labour and non-governmental organizations coinciding with the United Nations Conference on Climate Change ("COP21").

Alberta climate panel's report achieves the right balance

EDMONTON, Nov. 22, 2015 /CNW/ - The Premier's Climate Change Advisory Panel report makes sensible recommendations that, once implemented, will make significant impacts on Alberta's greenhouse gas emissions and provide real solutions for affected industries and communities.

Transgender Day of Remembrance - November 20, 2015

The first Transgender Day of Remembrance resulted from the vicious murder of a transgendered person on November 28, 1998. The event led to the launching of "Remembering Our Dead” – a web project combined with a vigil that vividly illustrated the travesties suffered by transgendered people in San Francisco.

The November 20th day of Remembrance has since continued. Each year it reminds us that transgendered people still live in fear of violence, isolation, and discrimination – right across this country and around the world.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Around the world over a billion people are living with disabilities and far too many of them face economic, political and social exclusion. Barriers to participation in political, social, economic and cultural life are both real and attitudinal.

Unifor responds to latest offer from Coventry Connections, hoping to put an end to three month taxi lockout

OTTAWA, Nov. 16, 2015 /CNW/ - /CNW/ Unifor has responded positively to Coventry Connections' most recent offer, hoping to make progress towards a resolution of the lockout that started in early August.

"We want nothing more than to reach a deal that is fair for everyone and our members are eager to get back to work. Unfortunately Coventry is spreading misinformation regarding the dispute," said Bob Orr, assistant to the Secretary Treasurer.

Unifor occupies Coventry Connections

OTTAWA, Nov. 13, 2015 /CNW/ - After more than three months locked out by an employer demanding that taxi drivers accept a drastic cut in pay, the drivers and their supporters this morning occupied the offices of Coventry Connections, the company that owns all the cabs in the city.

"We have been forced into this action by a company and an airport authority that have refused to engage in real dialogue on this issue," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

/R E P E A T - Day of Action for taxi drivers/

OTTAWA, Nov. 12, 2015 /CNW/ - A mass rally will be held Friday morning in support of locked out Ottawa taxi drivers, members of Unifor Local 1688, more than three months after their employer locked them out after they refused to accept a drastic pay cut.

Day of Action for taxi drivers

OTTAWA, Nov. 12, 2015 /CNW/ - A mass rally will be held Friday morning in support of locked out Ottawa taxi drivers, members of Unifor Local 1688, more than three months after their employer locked them out after they refused to accept a drastic pay cut.