Government and Democracy

Rally to Support Public Health Care

Join Unifor National President Lana Payne and Atlantic Regional Director Jennifer Murray as Unifor stands with other unions and national organizations to tell

Sustainable Jobs Act a positive step forward for workers and the net-zero transition

OTTAWA—Unifor welcomes Bill C-50, the Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act, passing third reading as an important milestone for workers in the transition to net-zero.

“Passing Bill C-50 puts Canada on the right path to creating and sustaining the jobs of today and tomorrow in an economy in transition,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Unifor celebrates Senate passing of anti-scab legislation

OTTAWA—Unifor is celebrating the passage of anti-scab legislation after Bill C-58 was adopted by the Senate at third reading without amendment.

“This is a watershed moment for Canadian workers as after more than a century of struggle legislation will finally prevent the use of scabs in federally governed workplaces,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Now Unifor will continue the fight to enact strong and meaningful anti-scab legislation in every province and territory to ensure that the bargaining power of all workers across the country is protected.”

Unifor applauds CRTC for supporting local news

TORONTO—Unifor applauds the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)’s announcement today of new supports for local Canadian news, in conjunction with its regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework.

“Unifor has been advocating for American streamers to pay their fair share to the Canadian broadcasting system for over 15 years,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Unifor continues to pressure Bank of Canada for interest rate reduction

Unifor continues to pressure the Bank of Canada to lower interest rates as the bank prepares for its upcoming June 5 announcement. 

“The Bank of Canada hiked and then stubbornly held the interest rate level for far too long and it is past time for relief to be provided to working people across the country,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The reality is high interest rates are creating the inflation problems the Bank is trying to address.” 

Unifor applauds court decision that City of Ottawa ‘abandoned’ taxi drivers by giving into Uber

OTTAWA– Unifor applauds yesterday’s Ontario Superior Court ruling that the City of Ottawa was negligent in enforcing its taxi bylaw when it allowed Uber to illegally operate in 2014 for two years, effectively harming the taxi industry – many of whom are Unifor members.

“Hard-working, established taxi drivers in Ottawa finally have some justice after being abandoned by their city, who succumbed to the whims of multinational tech giants,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Respecting the right to assemble and protest on Canadian university campuses

To: University of Toronto; McGill University
Concordia University; University of Ottawa
University of British Colombia; University of Victoria
Vancouver Island University; McMaster University

To University Administrators:

RE: Respecting the right to assemble and protest on Canadian university campuses