The Council of Health Care Unions reached a tentative agreement with the IWK and the Nova Scotia Health Authority following 15 days of bargaining over the span of many months.
The deal was reached at 4:30 a.m. Friday, August 30 following a marathon round of bargaining.
Hundreds of health care workers and public health care advocates rallied to demand action on health care as Canada’s premiers met at the annual Council of the Federation meeting in Halifax on July 16. Organized by the Nova Scotia Health Coalition and the Canadian Health Coalition, of which Unifor is a member, the rally sent a strong message at a time when more provincial governments are choosing to privatize health care services rather than to address longstanding issues and funding shortfalls in the public system.
"Every single generation of Canadians have had to fight for public health care," said Unifor National President Lana Payne to a crowd of hundreds rallying in Halifax in support of public health care.
The rally took place in front of the Westin Hotel where the Premiers were meeting.
"We're going to continue to fight for public health care for all in this country until we win," continued Payne.
Join Unifor National President Lana Payne and Atlantic Regional Director Jennifer Murray as Unifor stands with other unions and national organizations to tell
DARTMOUTH – Union representatives have met with representatives from Nova Scotia Health on 13 separate occasions in an attempt to conclude an essential services agreement for the Health Care bargaining unit. Despite the unions’ best efforts, the employer has failed to produce a complete staffing plan to facilitate the process.
Unifor Local 302 members at Wellkin Child and Youth Mental Wellness have successfully concluded contract negotiations, resulting in several improvements for members.
Sault Ste. Marie – Paramedics represented by Unifor Local 1359 are rejecting arbitration and urging the District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board (DSSMSSAB) to return to the bargaining table to negotiate a fair deal.
OTTAWA – Unifor welcomes the passing of the third reading of the federal pharmacare bill, bringing Canada one step closer to making universal pharmacare a reality.