VICTORIA—Rank-and-file forestry workers, union leaders, policymakers, and researchers gathered to hash out solutions to the crisis facing British Columbia’s forestry industry during a policy summit on March 12 in Victoria.
The summit, jointly hosted by Unifor, the United Steelworkers union (USW), and the Public and Private Workers of Canada (PPWC), was an unprecedented gathering of workers who have experienced firsthand the many mill closures and related job losses in an industry that was once world-renowned.
Unions representing workers in Quebec's forestry sector say the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF) is going in the wrong direction for forestry sector consutlations.
Unifor, United Steelworkers, the Centrale des syndicats démocratiques (CSD) and the Fédération de l'industrie manufacturière (FIM-CSN) were united in their denounciation of the MRNF’s process announced during a press conference held on February 7 in Saguenay Quebec.
VANCOUVER-Unifor is calling for an immediate response by all levels of government to support the Vancouver Island forestry sector following Paper Excellence’s announcement to curtail operations at its Crofton pulp mill indefinitely.
“An indefinite curtailment is an immeasurable loss for too many workers and their families who deserve so much better from Paper Excellence,” said National President Lana Payne. “These companies must be held to account and Canada and B.C. must support a value-added forestry industry that creates good, union jobs for generations to come.”
CROFTON—The fourth consecutive curtailment at the Paper Excellence paper mill in Crofton will keep more than 100 workers laid off and the community left wondering why they have nothing to show for $19 million in public funding from two levels of government.
The new curtailment will reportedly extend to the end of February 2024.
ESPANOLA, Ont.-Nearly 350 Unifor members and their families are grappling with the news of a year-long curtailment of the Domtar mill in Espanola, Ontario.
VANCOUVER–Members of Unifor Local 1132 at the Crofton mill in British Columbia received notice on Monday, August 28 that the scheduled restart of the mill, slated for the end of the month, has been delayed by at least another 30 days, leaving workers and their families in the lurch.
Unifor has joined the movement to grow diversity, equity, and inclusion in forestry. By participating, the union will support the work of provincial governments, corporations and communities to make forestry an industry where everyone feels welcome.
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