Central de los Trabajadores Argentinos – Autónoma (CTA-A)
Hugo Godoy, General Secretary
Greetings Brother Godoy,
Re: Solidarity with unions and workers across Argentina for the January 24th National General Strike
On behalf of Unifor, and our 315,000 members across Canada, we wish to relay our full support and solidarity for your upcoming national general strike on January 24th, in response to the far-reaching labour, and other economic and political reforms, being introduced by President Javier Milei. These reforms would grossly undermine basic workers’ rights and protections across the country, leaving millions of workers open to rampant abuse and exploitation.
Right-wing attacks on the working-class are nothing new. However, the breadth and gravity of Milei’s proposed changes are cause for significant alarm. From limiting union’s right to strike, picketing and collective bargaining, to changes to individual workers rights, including around severance pay, probation periods and maternity leave, it is clear these moves to deregulate Argentina’s economy only serves to benefit the country’s employers. Milei’s attempt to make sweeping legislative changes that would affect millions of Argentinians, by simple decree, while also working to concentrate further executive power in his hands without public or government consultation, is an affront to the basic values of democracy, transparency and accountability. Further, efforts to privatize the nation’s public industries, while also making significant cuts to public services will only harm, rather than help, the most vulnerable segments of the population.
We know that the next few years under a Milei government will undoubtedly be a difficult one for labour unions, human rights groups and other progressive social movements – especially as his government looks to criminalize and suppress dissent. During this critical period, marked with collective fights and struggles to maintain basic social and economic rights and protections, unity and solidarity must prevail. Rest assured, our entire Unifor leadership and membership in Canada will be behind Argentina’s workers and unions the entire way providing strength and support, on January 24th and beyond.
In solidarity always,
Lana Payne
Unifor National President