Expanding and Amplifying our Collective Voice
Therefore, I recommend that the BC Regional Council:
Reaffirm its commitment to the organizing goals set out at Unifor’s founding convention in 2013, prioritizing new worker organizing as a central objective for the union.
Organize and assist local unions to ask the British Columbia government to implement better organizing laws, including organizing improvements for app-based workers, and find new ways to give more workers easier access to organize without intimidation or barriers.
Support ongoing organizing efforts and build on recent successes by expanding training and outreach initiatives to increase organizing capacity at both regional and local levels including opportunities to work with the organizing department on member organizer programs during key campaigns and to otherwise boost organizing scale.
Encourage local unions to actively collaborate with organizing efforts, fostering greater education and awareness among members.
Collectively support new groups entering the union as they seek their first collective agreement and demonstrate clearly how much they are valued and what solidarity means as they join Unifor.
Pushing for action on key priorities facing BC workers
Therefore, I recommend, that the BC Regional Council:
Launch a new round of joint consultations and lobbying of the new BC government MLAs and cabinet in 2025 involving local unions and sectors to improve our collective strength.
Encourage local unions strive to meet government MLA in their region and introduce them to the union and its priorities for change in 2025.
Transit Protection and Expansion
Therefore, I recommend that the BC Regional Council:
Continue to demand answers from all levels of government responsible for transit operation and funding on their plans and actions for a stable, funded, and growing public transit system.
Gather information across contracted units and participate in the upcoming review of all private delivery models within BC transit to help make the case that they gain better protection and stability and the public is better served within a public model without private profit.
Continue to emphasize and push for the importance of the entire supply chain and Canadian manufacture of transit vehicles and expansions to infrastructure and training as the transit system grows into the future.
Work with other groups as needed to ensure our voices against cuts and for transit protection and expansion are amplified and active to oppose any negative cuts or reductions in jobs or service.
Support transit locals and units in their upcoming rounds of collective bargaining to ensure that they continue to receive the respects and wage that they deserve.
Supporting Whistler Workers
Therefore, I recommend that the BC Regional Council:
Stand in solidarity with all Whistler hotel workers as they seek either to organize a union or improve their existing collective agreement.
Support any dispute or related action involving Whistler workers with boots on the ground with a view to increase solidarity and support.
Connect with the organizing department to support and strategize on any necessary campaigns to organize all Whistler workers and to fight for justice for them in housing and support within the community.
Health and Safety
Therefore, I recommend that the BC Regional Council:
Continue to meet with high-level WorkSafe BC officials and labour ministry officials to follow up on previous proposals and updates on progress.
Meet with the new British Columbia Labour Minister to update the ministry on Unifor’s efforts and expectations for further action.
Continue to push to ensure all aspects of the platform related to workplace prevention and safety are implemented without delay and push back against any attempts to “rebate” WorkSafe funds to employers and their lobby groups.
Fighting for our Future in Forestry
Therefore, I recommend that the BC Regional Council:
Continue to work with the United Steelworkers and PPWC on the “Fighting for our Future” forestry coalition and its demand to government and explore further ways to work together in 2025.
Continue to meet with First Nations representatives and consider joint meetings or initiatives that outline our shared concern for jobs in the community and need for sustainable fibre.
Continue to advocate swift action on all platform commitments related to forestry to ensure workers and their communities see immediate relief and a future worth fighting for in forestry.
Work with the national union and the provincial and federal governments to support all efforts to fight against existing softwood lumber tariffs and develop a realistic response plan to expected erratic trade moves after January 2025.
Support all western forestry workers in their quest for a new pattern agreement as bargaining gest underway in 2025 with the target company and location(s).