Proudly Unifor Products and Services Directory

Every day, Unifor members work hard to produce and deliver products and services that are used by people across the country and around the world. With more than 315,000 members spread out over 20 different sectors of the economy, Unifor’s impact on the daily lives of people in Canada is truly vast. Use this directory to find many of the proudly made Unifor products and services that you can use in your life.  

Please note we are continually updating our list so if there is something that you believe is missing please let us know by emailing @email.

Download the Directory (PDF).

What’s Included in the Directory?

  • Products and services accessible to the general public. 
  • Locations in which an existing Unifor bargaining unit (unionized workspace) is present in the workplace, including public services. 

What’s Not Included in this Directory?

  • Industries such as forestry, energy, mining, shipbuilding and aerospace. Despite there being many proud Unifor members in those industries, most working people will not directly source these products. 
  • Exact products or brands are not always listed. Contact the company or Union Local directly to receive further information on what brands are manufactured at a specific location. 
  • Which languages services are delivered in. 

Why Buy Union?

Unifor advocates for and defends the economic rights of all working people. The union advocates for good jobs, safer workplaces, secure employment, wages and benefits that provide a decent and fair standard of living, along with dignity, equity and mutual respect in the workplace. 

How you choose to spend your money and time makes a difference to working families and local communities. It also determines which products, services and companies will thrive in Canada. When you spend your money on companies that employ unionized workers, you are not only supporting fair and decent working conditions but you help send a message to all employers about the need for good jobs. In many communities across Canada where Unifor manufactures or produces products that local economy also thrives because of spin off jobs that are created. For example, in the auto sector for every Unifor job there are up to seven more spin off jobs created in the community. 


This directory, developed by Unifor’s Research Department, represents a snapshot in time and will be updated annually. For the most recent list, visit If you know about a workplace that is not included, send your updates to @email

Any errors or omissions found in this document are completely unintentional, and we encourage you to report these to Unifor as soon as possible at the above email address.

Produced by Unifor’s Research Department - Updated as of August 2017.