Energy Industry Council


Halifax Convention Centre

1650 Argyle Street
Halifax NS B3J 0E6

Main Image
Energy Industry Council 2019

We invite you to join us for the 2023 Energy Industry Council meeting held on August 15th & 16th, 2023 in Halifax at the Convention Centre.

The Energy Industry Council meeting will combine local reports, speeches, presentations and discussions on the achievements and initiatives of the council and our plans for the future.

If you have not already done so get involved by participating in the Energy Industry Council. To register for the council, please fill out the registration form.

The Energy Council is currently not collecting dues, therefore all locals are in Good Standing and are welcome to attend the council.

If you have not already done so get involved by participating in the Energy Industry Council. To register for the council, please fill out the registration form.

A Local Union can participate as an observer one time at an Energy Council. Thereafter if the Local wishes to continue participation in the council, dues must be paid.