Unifor releases union cards to Amazon facilities in Metro Vancouver

Main Image
Gavin McGarrigle speaking into microphone with workers wearing red shirts and an Amazon facility in the background.

VANCOUVER—After a four-month campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of forming a union, Unifor has started signing cards at multiple Amazon facilities in Metro Vancouver.

“Help is on the way,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Amazon workers in Metro Vancouver can sign a union card as the next step on their journey to forming a strong union to negotiate wages, schedules, and benefits.”

Unifor began its awareness campaign on June 21. During this time Unifor activists have had conversations with hundreds of workers at Amazon and help field questions about the myriad of benefits that come with being a member of a union.

“The union at Amazon in New York City has been an inspiration for warehouse workers across the continent,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “Here in Vancouver, we’re going to continue the trend. Workers everywhere are eager to take greater control over their working conditions.”

Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.

Media Contact

Ian Boyko

National Communications Representative - Western Region