Unifor Local 302 members at Wellkin Child and Youth Mental Wellness have successfully concluded contract negotiations, resulting in several improvements for members.
“One of the major challenges the union faced during the negotiations was securing wage increases during these hard economic times,” said Unifor Local 302 Vice President Women’s Issues Michelle Flewin. “This agreement is a victory that highlights the strength and solidarity of our members, ensuring they are recognized and rewarded for their dedication and hard work.”
Members are set to receive a total 7% wage increase over the course of the agreement. Additionally, the contract includes, extra paid time off at Christmas, a Mental Health letter of understanding, and support for racial justice advocates. These gains will have a profound impact on the daily lives of our members, ensuring they are well-compensated and supported.
“Members stayed fully committed to the process and stood strong behind their committee-making their position easy to communicate at the bargaining table,” said Unifor Local 302 Wellkin Chairperson Kathy Deadman.
The agreement covers 44 members of Local 302, who work as therapists, client support workers, and administrative support workers at Wellkin. The facility provides vital mental health services such as counselling, day treatment programs, and support for children with behavioural and emotional difficulties across Oxford and Elgin counties.
The 3-year agreement, which takes effect immediately, will provide stability for our members until its expiry in 2027.