Unifor marks December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. On this day, we solemnly remember the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre when 14 women were killed on their Montreal campus, and all lives tragically lost to gender-based violence, and we recommit to the ongoing battle against this pervasive and deeply unjust violence.
Violence against women is not an issue that affects women alone; it is a deeply entrenched societal problem that demands collective action and staunch commitment. We understand the fight for gender equality and the eradication of violence against women are interconnected struggles, and they are at the heart of the work within our union.
Unifor is recognized internationally for its Women’s Advocate program that educates members to be a source of support for colleagues facing harassment or violence. Having a Women’s Advocate in the workplace can be lifesaving for members who are seeking help and protection. If you do not have a Women’s Advocate in your workplace, consider making it a priority at the bargaining table and discuss this with your fellow members.
We must never relent in our efforts to challenge the systems that perpetuate gender-based violence. It is crucial that we call for and actively work towards the implementation of policies and practices that ensure the safety, respect, and equitable treatment of all individuals, irrespective of their gender.
We urge all members of Unifor to join us in the critical endeavor to end violence against women. Together, we have the power to create a world where no woman lives in fear, where every woman's dignity is respected, and where gender-based violence becomes a dark chapter in history rather than a lived reality.
It is only through collective action that we can create a just and equitable society where violence against women is an unthinkable act.
As you mark the day with vigils and events with your local, or by wearing your December 6 button, we ask that you share your photos with women@unifor.org. We will share submitted photos of members marking December 6 on our social channels to highlight your work in fighting for equality and respect.
Find printable posters and social media graphics here.