Rail line Volume 9, Issue 3

Main Image
Via rail train approaching train station platform


Dear members,

After opening bargaining with VIA Rail in January 2022, Unifor Local 100 and Council 4000 met with the company during February 7 to 11.

As expected, the company has taken an aggressive bargaining posture and tabled multiple serious concessions. It has become increasingly clear that this will be no ordinary round of bargaining.

Your committees do not take these concessions lightly and will be equally as aggressive as the company in pushing back and making proposals that are acceptable to the Via membership and reflect the value of your work.

Our next session with the company will be March 8–11 and we can update you again the week following.

Until the next update, please continue to promote the re-investment campaign and encourage members to sign up to receive Rail Line. Previous issues of Rail Line are available online.

This newsletter and unifor.org/viabargaining are your best source for up-to-date information.

The union does not bargain in public, but we will use these tools to update you as often as possible. We would ask all members to not listen to the Employer for updates, or entertain rumours that may come up during the bargaining process.

We would like to thank the membership for their continuing show of support.

Please reach out to your local union representatives for additional information or with questions. Your continued support will be pivotal in achieving the next collective agreement.

In solidarity,

Scott Doherty, Executive Assistant to Unifor National President
Local 100 and Council 4000 Bargaining Committees