Stop contract flipping, protect successor rights for workers.
The practice of contract-flipping involves subcontracting out services and changing service providers every few years, as a way to unjustly cut back on employees, reduce and stagnate wages and limit employees' rights in order for the contracting company to save costs and increase profit.
Each time a contract for an airport service flips, workers are then forced to reapply for their job with the new company, often with significant wage cuts and reduced benefits.
The practice of contract retendering has negatively affected Unifor members who work at airports for many years. These workers are currently not eligible for job protection in the event that supplier contracts change hands.
The Liberal Party had previously promised it was “ready to study, and if necessary, fix any loophole in the Canada Labour Code that might leave Canadian workers vulnerable.”
We can’t wait any longer.
In order to end the worst effects of contract flipping, Unifor is demanding the government institute full successor rights.