Kelly-Anne Orr to Unifor Local 1106 - Grand River Hospital Membership

August 10, 2023

Unifor Local 1106
Grand River Hospital Membership Greetings,

Re: Update on Reopener Bargaining and Our Collective Efforts

As the Assistant to the National Officers that oversees health care, I am writing you to provide you with an important update on the ongoing reopener bargaining process and the key developments that concern our collective interests.

As a dedicated group of health care workers, you have shown exceptional dedication and resilience, especially in the face of the challenges posed by the recent times. Your commitment to ensuring the well-being and care of patients at Grand River Hospital is truly commendable, and we are proud to represent such a talented and passionate workforce.

Our current bargaining reopener covers the period from April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2024. These negotiations are a critical opportunity for us to secure fair terms that recognize your invaluable contributions and uphold your rights as employees.

I want to provide you with a comprehensive overview of where things currently stand and what lies ahead.

Negotiation Approach: "Wait and See"

During the initial stages of these negotiations, the Employee Relations (ER) department at Grand River Hospital has taken a cautious "wait and see" approach. While we understand the need for informed decision-making, we have been advocating for more proactive engagement to address our members' concerns and ensure transparency throughout the process.

Bargaining Dates: An Important Step Forward

I am pleased to inform you that the ER department has recently proposed bargaining dates. Meetings are scheduled for August 25 and September 11. These sessions offer us the chance to engage in open and productive discussions to achieve the best possible outcomes for our members.

Unity in Diversity: Two Units, One Goal

It's important to note that our collective bargaining involves two units: the Service Unit and the Clerical Unit, with 920 and 300 members respectively. Despite our diverse roles, we share a common goal: to secure a fair and equitable collective agreement.

Following the Kaplan Pattern and RPN Adjustment

In our pursuit of equitable terms, we're advocating for Grand River Hospital to follow the Kaplan pattern. This approach has been successful in similar contexts and aims to create a balanced and harmonious environment for all parties involved.

An especially crucial aspect of these negotiations is the Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) adjustment. We recognize its significance in ensuring fair compensation and acknowledging the valuable contributions of our RPN members. We're fully committed to addressing this issue and ensuring that our former local executive member's concerns are met.

Your Voice Matters

Our collective strength lies in our unity. As we move forward, your input, support, and engagement are vital. Your voices, experiences, and aspirations guide us in representing you effectively during these negotiations.

I want to reassure you that Unifor is dedicated to securing the best possible collective agreement for all of our members at Grand River Hospital.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment. We eagerly anticipate the upcoming bargaining sessions and look forward to updating you on further developments.

In solidarity,

Kelly-Anne Orr
Assistant to the National Officers