ln order to ensure the health and safety of all staff and members, please ask the following questions to limit the spread of COVID-19.
If you answer yes to any of the questions below, please do not come to the event location and contact your local health authority.
- Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms:
Fever of 38°C or higher? Cough? Difculty breathing or shortness of breath? Severe fatigue or feeling of being generally unwell? Loss of smell or taste? - In the last 10 days have you:
Tested positive for COVID-19 or been advised by a doctor, health care provider or public health unit that you should currently be isolating or staying home?
Tested positive on a rapid antigen/home-based test and not completed a follow up test at an assessment centre? - Had close physical contact:
- with someone you live with who is experiencing any new COVID-19 symptoms and/or waiting for a test result?
- with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who is considered a probable case?
Received a COVID Alert exposure notifcation on your cell phone. - In the last 14 days have you:
Travelled outside of Canada and been told to quarantine (per the federal quarantine requirements?
If you answer “yes” to any questions, or are feeling ill in any way, do not come to the event location.
We ask that you cancel your participation immediately by notifying:__________________________________________
You must then follow your local public health guidelines, including getting tested for COVID-19.