Produits Forestiers Résolu members ratify new agreements

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A group of people standing in a room with dark green patterned carpet and grey walls, giving the thumbs up.

Unifor members working at Produits Forestiers Résolu in Quebec ratified tentative agreements the week of May 26, 2023, covering 10 contracts.

Unifor Quebec Director Daniel Cloutier, who was present throughout the negotiations, said this new contract is a major step for workers in the forestry industry.

"Unifor members can now look to the future with confidence, knowing that their rights and professional interests are protected by strong and fair agreements," he said.

The 10 contracts cover roughly 525 members working in forestry operations across the province, impacting locals located in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Mauricie, Abitibi, and Côte-Nord.

Joël Vigeant, Unifor's national representative and forestry coordinator, said he was happy with the new deal.

"We are very pleased with the outcome of the negotiations,” he said. “Thanks to our joint efforts, we have been able to apply the results of the standard contracts, namely those of the pulp and paper sector as well as the sawmill sector, in all of Résolu's divisions."