In historic first, Bell Atlantic Communications Locals and Bell Clerical to unite at simultaneous negotiations

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Bell Atlantic Bargaining Committee

Dear Members,

Bell Clerical and Bell Aliant commenced bargaining in February.  From the start, it was the desire of our bargaining committees to utilize the collective power we have in numbers at some point in bargaining. Both groups have bargained separately thus far.

Our bargaining agendas include common themes of better wages, work from home policy and job security. Both bargaining tables also share a common denominator: Bell’s lead negotiator is the same at both tables.

As we enter talks of the common issues above, the committees recognize that strategically this is the time that we coordinate our forces. Our two groups unite nearly 6,000 members across six provinces. That is power that we share, and that we need to apply together.

 Our Clerical groups are entering the second and final week of conciliation. Our Unifor ACL committee will continue negotiating this week until June 30, 2022, then fly out to Toronto to join the Clerical group.

 Next week will mark a historic, collective push toward the finish line. As trade unionists, we know that we are stronger when we are united, and these two groups have never been closer in our bargaining or our priorities.

We will negotiate simultaneously on teleworking, wages, and the critical issue of job erosion and job security in our workplaces.

 We unite so that no one is left behind, and so that Bell feels the force of our 6,000 members at the table.

 This move to bargain simultaneously is centered on principles of solidarity and bargaining leverage. We will have this first-ever opportunity to show a united front to Bell on our shared priorities.

 Thank you to all members for your support, engagement and advocacy. Your bargaining committees and locals will continue to communicate on negotiations as they progress.

 In solidarity, 

Unifor ACL Bargaining Committee
Bell Clerical bargaining Committe


Bell members pose with a sign reading, ‘Our Bell, Our Jobs’