Young Workers Conference

Main Image
a large group posing for a pic in rows, front row is kneeling, second is standing

The National Young Workers Conference will take place in Toronto, November 8-10, 2024. The meeting will convene at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8, and will adjourn no later than 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 10.

The theme of this year’s conference Deep Roots, Strong Growth: The Power of a Solid Foundation, will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing young workers in today’s changing environment.

Young workers are contending with increased contracting out, layoffs, and other forms of temporary work which continue to create unstable and precarious working conditions for young workers.

These members have most of their working lives ahead of them and are connected to other working people across the country, through the union. They have the potential to activate the members around them, build the union, and break down barriers that typically divide workers. In a new and technologically advanced world, young workers are well positioned to build the collective power of working people.

The Conference will include educational workshops with skill-building sessions that will provide young workers with important tools and resources to increase their activism and continue to make a difference in their workplace, in their union, and in their community.

The conference is open to Unifor members who are 35 years of age or younger.

Registration for this conference is available online by visiting

Online login information has been sent to Local Presidents. This is the same registration that is used when registering delegates for events such as Canadian Council. If you require assistance registering delegates or to have login information resent, please contact @email.

The deadline to register is October 4, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to a great conference!

Register here.