Unifor Family Education Centre
115 Shipley Avenue
Port Elgin ON N0H 2C5
The bi-annual Unifor Employee & Family Assistance Program/ Addictions Conference is being held at the Unifor Family Education Centre in Port Elgin, Ontario May 31 to June 2, 2019.
The one day Mental Health - A Union Issue course will be presented on Saturday. This is an important program for union representatives and local union officers who want to learn how to support and represent members who are dealing with mental illness, including addiction. The program will provide a foundation to better understand mental illness and will engage participants in how to effectively refer members to appropriate services. Participants will learn about the duty to accommodate as it applies to workers with mental illness, including dependency issues, and the rights and duties that apply to the employer, the union, and the individual worker.
Every local union is encouraged to send their full complement of delegates. Our union’s commitment to the principles of employee and family assistance and recovery can only be met with the total participation and involvement of our leadership. Please encourage your EFAP/Substance Abuse Representatives or Peer Referral Agents, local union leadership, human rights, women’s advocate and equity representatives to participate in this conference. Early registration helps us plan the conference. The deadline is May 10, 2019.
Download the Call Letter and Registration Form.