Intimate Partner Violence Symposium

Monday, November 25
9am - 4:30pm EST

Unifor Local 444/200

1855 Turner Road
Windsor ON N8W 3K2

Main Image
an artistic silhouette of a woman's profile with flowers

It is time to declare Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic. We will gather for a day of reflection as we must continue this important conversation. We have invited guest speakers to offer their expertise and share their stories. As trade unionists we must collectively use our voice and action to create a better world for our Mothers, Daughters, Grandmothers, Aunts and all those impacted. 

The Unifor Women’s Department and Ontario Regional Council have joined forces to create the Intimate Partner Violence Symposium. 

We are hoping you can join us November 25th 2024 (9am-430pm) at 1855 Turner Rd, Windsor, ON. 

Spots are filling up fast! If you are interested in attending, your Local has the registration details.