Halifax, NS - Bargaining Workers’ Power

Wednesday, April 19
5:30pm - 8:30pm ADT

Lord Nelson Hotel

1515 South Park St
Halifax NS B3J 2L2

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BWP Banner

Unifor is updating the union’s national bargaining program, informed by the ideas and experiences of members. One of the ways the union is consulting with members is at upcoming strategy sessions, which will take place across the country.

All members are encouraged to attend and participate! Together, Unifor members will shape a cross country bargaining strategy that will build workers’ power in Canada.

In addition to national officers, strategy session participants will hear from the Unifor Research Department, including an outlook on broad economic and bargaining trends.

For a list of all upcoming meetings, visit the Bargaining Workers’ Power campaign page.

Dinner will be provided.

Unifor seeks to make all union meetings and events accessible and barrier free. If you require accommodations for human rights related needs, we invite you to provide us with your relevant information so we can take all reasonable steps to address any barriers to your participation in your Union. Please email requests to Laura Vickery.

Please confirm your attendance by emailing Laura Vickery and indicating which session(s) you are planning to attend. Please include the total number of participants that will be in attendance.