Unifor welcomes Ontario occupational disease response team

Jan. 16, 2017 Unifor welcomes news that the Ontario government will move to create a dedicated occupational disease response team, slated to be operational later in 2017. “Unifor has long advocated for recognition of occupational diseases,” said Unifor Ontario Regional Director Naureen Rizvi. “For too long job-related illnesses have been ignored as workers struggle to prove workplace exposure, often years or decades after initial contact.” Under the current system compensation claims are extremely difficult, due to the long latency periods frequently experienced with occupational sickness, the poor to non-existing exposure documentation and the fact that life style factors are often used to cloud the issue and detract from workplace exposure. In addition to the response team, Unifor calls for the introduction of historical presumptive legislation to protect all workers, with the assertion that certain diseases are work-related unless employers can prove otherwise. Presently, limited presumptive legislation applies to first responders for post-traumatic stress disorder and to firefighters, who are automatically entitled to compensation for specific kinds of cancers. “The medical evidence proves the causal effect of exposure to hazardous material in the workplace,” said Rizvi. “It’s time for the Ministry of Labour and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board to work together to track employment and medical records to document the links, compensate the victims and increase and awareness and education to work to prevent further exposure.” For further information contact: Unifor Communications National Representative Kathleen O’Keefe at @email or (cell) 416-896-3303.