Unifor supports Molson Coors beer boycott

Toronto - Unifor stands in solidarity with Canadian Union of Brewery and General Workers (CUBGW) members, forced on strike by Molson Coors since January 12. “This is a straight out attack on the middle-class by a multi-million dollar company,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “The strings are being pulled by an American head office determined to engage in a race to the bottom, with an agenda to lower the standard of living for workers in the name of corporate greed.” Molson Coors tabled an offer with reductions in wages, pensions and benefits. With no options left the 320 CUBGW members set up picket lines at the brewery’s Carlingview Drive facility in Toronto. “This isn’t bargaining, it’s a strong-arm attempt to force workers to give up what they have earned. Our solidarity is with the workers,” said Unifor Ontario Regional Director Naureen Rizvi. “Unifor will not allow Molson Coors to muscle away good jobs and increase growing income inequality in Canada.” To support our CUBGW brothers and sisters in their fight for decent work Unifor is asking members to boycott Molson Coors brands imported from the United States. Purchase of these products, from non-union plants, jeopardizes brewery jobs in Canada and helps lengthen the time that the company can spend away from the bargaining table. Brands include Miller Lite, Miller Genuine Draft and Coors Banquet. “If that’s what this corporation understands then we will communicate at the cash register,” said Dias. Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing more than 310,000 workers in every sector of the economy. It was formed Labour Day weekend 2013 when the Canadian Auto Workers and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers unions merged. For more information, please contact Unifor Communications Representative Kathleen O’Keefe at @email or 416-896-3303 (cell).