Unifor statement on the Journée internationale de la Francophonie

Main Image
Flag of La Francophonie (multicoloured empty circle on a white background) waving against a deep blue sky.

March 20 symbolizes the Journée internationale de la Francophonie, an emblematic date when the diversity and richness of the French language are celebrated worldwide. On this special day, we are honored to join the French-speaking community in celebrating our precious linguistic and cultural heritage, both in Quebec and across Canada.

The French language is one of Canada's two official languages, and plays a significant role in the daily lives of many communities across the country. From Acadia to British Columbia, from Ontario to the Prairies, Canada's Francophonie is dynamic and diverse. 

However, it is essential to recognize that Francophones continue to face challenges and discrimination in some Canadian provinces. Despite efforts to promote Canada's linguistic duality, francophones sometimes face barriers in accessing government, health and education services in their primary language, as well as discrimination in equitable employment opportunities. 

As a union representing workers in various sectors, we are committed to fighting all forms of discrimination, including linguistic discrimination, and to promoting equal rights for all workers, whatever their language or origin.

On this special day, let us remember the importance of protecting and promoting linguistic and cultural diversity, while working together for a future where all francophones, wherever they are in Canada, are respected and valued.

As members of Unifor, we are committed to supporting the language rights of all workers, promoting diversity and inclusion in our workplaces, and defending the French language in all its forms, wherever it is spoken in Canada.

Happy Journée Internationale de la Francophonie to all!