Unifor outlines vision for collective bargaining with Toyota


CAMBRIDGE, ON, April 1, 2014 /CNW/ - Today, Unifor released a "Charter" outlining the changes Toyota team members want at their workplace - and how Unifor would address team members' primary concerns.

Yesterday, Unifor announced that it has applied to be the bargaining agent for team members at Toyota. Team members will likely vote next week.

"The Charter is a vision of what we hope to achieve, over time, through the collective bargaining process," said Lee Sperduti, Toyota team member. "Toyota is a good company - however, we need to create positive change in our workplace and the only way to create this change is with the leadership of team members and the support of Unifor."

The Charter, entitled Building a made-for-Toyota-agreement, is based on conversations with thousands of team members over the last year and a recent online survey, in which approximately 1000 people participated.

While the Charter is not a bargaining proposal, it does give Toyota team members a sense of how Unifor could impact their lives.

The Charter indicates that Toyota team members' primary concerns include: fairness for contract workers, pensions, wages and job security.

"Unifor is committed to working with Toyota team members to create a made-for-Toyota agreement. The Charter is intended to reflect some of the priorities identified by team members and offer information about what joining Unifor could mean," said Jerry Dias, National Union President. "We want Toyota team members to be well-informed when they are voting next week."

The Charter is available at: http://unifortoyota.ca/?p=5587

Unifor is Canada's largest union in the private sector, representing more than 300,000 workers, including more than 39,000 in the auto industry. Unifor was founded Labour Day weekend 2013 when the Canadian Autoworkers and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers union merged.