Unifor congratulates progressive candidates


TORONTO, Oct. 27, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor congratulates the many progressive candidates who were elected today in Ontario's municipal and school board elections.

"Unifor is pleased that many excellent candidates were elected and re-elected today, including Unifor member Paul Pugh in Thunder Bay and Unifor member in Mike Devine in Cambridge," said Jerry Dias Unifor National President.

Unifor is looking forward to working with the many progressive councillors who were elected across the province including Maria Augimeri in Toronto and John Shields in Oshawa.

Throughout Ontario, Unifor members were involved in dozens of campaigns for candidates with a strong commitment to building vibrant communities, good jobs and excellent public education.

"Strong, progressive local politicians are essential to our efforts to build prosperous and inclusive communities and economies," said Katha Fortier, Unifor Ontario Regional Director. "To those candidates who were not successful, we are grateful for their willingness to be part of our shared efforts to reinvigorate our democracies which requires thoughtful debate about the real choices we face," stressed Fortier.

Unifor is Canada's largest union in the private sector, representing more than 305,000 workers. It was formed Labour Day weekend 2013 when the Canadian Auto Workers and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers unions merged. Unifor works to protect its members and play a leadership role in building thriving, safe workplaces and a strong economy so all workers in Canada have a good job, a decent standard of living and greater equality.