Truro area members throw one last celebration for laid-off Tandus Carpets members

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On Saturday, August 24, members from Truro and other Nova Scotia communities gathered to throw one last celebration for the laid-off Tandus Carpets workers. Members and their families gathered at the event to reminisce and celebrate their many years of working together.

Some members at Local 4612 have been working since the plant’s closure in July to prepare the facility for shut-down and transfer to new owners.

“These members have shown such courage and determination in the face of an employer who showed them such disrespect and did nothing but the bare minimum after moving the profitable business elsewhere,” said Linda MacNeil, Atlantic Regional Director, who attended the event along with National Representative Darlene McIvor. “The members worked incredibly hard to fight for a fair severance, which the American company ultimately denied them.”

The party included a bouncy castle and face-painting for kids as well as a BBQ, live band and a raffle.