Towards a Zero Plastic Waste Canada



In Canada, nearly 90 per cent of plastics end up incinerated, or in our landfills, lakes, parks and oceans. Once in the environment, they contaminate ecosystems, kill wildlife, and leach toxic chemicals. It’s time for Canada to deal with its plastic production, waste, and pollution problem. It’s time for government action.

Less than 11 per cent of all plastics are recycled in Canada. Voluntary, industry-led initiatives aren’t going to cut it. As long as making new plastics from fossil resources is cheap, the costs of collecting and recycling plastics is high, and dumping plastics into the environment is “free”, the problem will get worse.

Canada needs strong waste policies that hold producers responsible, keep problematic plastics out of Canada, and dramatically increase the reuse and recycling of plastics.

Now is the time for a national waste reduction strategy. One that harmonizes performance standards, measurement protocols, and definitions from coast-to-coast-to-coast, and gets Canada to zero plastic waste by 2025.

Sign this petition to call for a national waste reduction strategy that harmonizes performance standards, measurement protocols, and national definitions that will help Canada achieve zero plastic waste by 2025

Visit our friends at the Canadian Environmental Law Association for more action and involvement.

CELA works to protect human health and our environment by seeking justice for those harmed by pollution and by working to change policies to prevent such problems in the first place. For almost 50 years, CELA has used legal tools to increase environmental protection and safeguard communities. As a Legal Aid Clinic, CELA’s top priority is to represent low income individuals and communities and to speak out for those with less influence and who receive less of a say in decision-making.