South Asian Heritage Month - Week 1


Unifor Local 111 Activist/ Leader

Jessie Rana eldest of two daughters has been a conventional operator for over a decade. Being a role model to her younger sister she is a strong believer in the power of positive thinking. 

When at work she is a part of an influential local.  Not only is she a recording secretary and an active job steward for local 111, but she is also the chair of the Violence in Workplace Committee and Young Workers Committee. In her spare time she volunteers with the YMCA coaching for grade 4/5 basketball and assisting with local food and toy drives.   Jesse is an activist in the community and willing to make change wherever possible.

Proud Unifor Local 40 Member/ Activist

Joachim Victor Gomes is a member of Unifor local 40.  He has been a co-chair for the Equity Committee of TYRLC from 2009 – 2013. His day-to-day job is to help newcomers to find a job in their area of expertise, facilitating career mentoring and citizenship education mentoring is a large part of his daily activities.

Rising Leader Unifor Local 6006

Dharsan Rajasingham is a young worker who was instrumental in organizing and unionizing his unit of over 200 people in 2015.  Dharsan sits on the Ontario Regional Young Workers Committee. He is a Chief Steward for Local 6006 and chair of the AWOC committee. Dharsan like to help out in any way and is always present at days of action in the community.