Unifor Local 100 reaches tentative agreement with Hudson Bay Railway
Winnipeg – Wednesday, June 28, this morning, the Unifor Local 100 Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with the Hudson Bay Railway (HBR) to renew the Collective Agreement that expired on December 31, 2022.
Unifor represents freight car mechanics, electricians, machinists, and servicepersons who work in northern Manitoba for the Hudson Bay Railway.
The tentative agreement is subject to ratification by the Local 100-51 membership at HBR.
Details of the agreement will be provided at upcoming ratification meetings. The bargaining committee is organizing these meetings and will communicate the times, date, and location once they are confirmed.
The Local 100 bargaining committee appreciates the support of the membership that enabled us to achieve this tentative agreement- which the committee unanimously recommends.
Please get in touch with your Union representatives for additional information or questions concerning the ratification process and meetings.
In solidarity,
Local 100 Bargaining Committee:
Cory Will – President, Unifor Local 100
Jason Lancaster –Prairie Region Vice-President, Unifor Local 100
Andy Huckaluk - Bargaining Committee Representative, Unifor Local 100-51
Joel Kennedy – National Representative, Unifor Canada