Rail line Volume 9, Issue 6

Main Image
Via rail train approaching train station platform

Dear Members,

This week Unifor Council 4000 and Unifor Local 100 continued bargaining with the employer. The employer continues to push concessions onto our members. This approach by the employer has forced the bargaining committees to reach an impasse with the employer.

Because of the impasse, the Union filed a Notice of Dispute requesting the assistance of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. 

What is conciliation?

The conciliation process is a concise and legal requirement of the Canada Labour Code. It provides a 60-day period of conciliation followed by a 21-day “cooling-off” period.  Following the cooling-off period, either party is obligated to provide 72 hours' notice of intention to initiate a lockout or strike.

Let us be clear this filing does not mark an end to our efforts. Still, it shows our commitment to negotiating the best possible deal for members during these challenging times.

As your elected leadership, we feel that requesting conciliation will help our union move the bargaining process along.

Once the Minster appoints a conciliator and provides dates of the conciliation process, we will advise Council 4000 and Local 100 memberships.

The Union does not bargain in public, but we will use these tools to update you as often as possible. We would ask all members to not listen to the Employer for updates, or entertain rumours that may come up during the bargaining process.

We would like to thank the membership for their continuing show of support.

Please reach out to your local union representatives for additional information or with questions. Your continued support will be pivotal in achieving the next collective agreement.

In Solidarity,

Scott Doherty, Executive Assistant to Unifor National President
Local 100 and Council 4000 Bargaining Committees