To show support for Best Theratronics workers who have endured a Grinch of a boss this year, Operation Christmas Cheer came by the Kanata picket line on Dec. 2, 2024, to help striking workers get through the upcoming holidays.
“Unifor is appreciative of Operation Christmas Cheer helping our members during this busy season,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Every bit counts to help the families who have been on strike since May, so they can also celebrate the holidays and continue the solidarity and fight going into 2025.”
Operation Christmas Cheer, a charity organization, whose only mandate is “to deliver grassroots support and cheer to every single picket-line throughout Ontario over the holidays,” delivered grocery food hampers, toys for children under 18, and $100 grocery gift cards to all members collecting strike pay.
The group also brought hot coffee, hot chocolate, and hot lunches to the line.
Unifor Local 1541 members, who work at the Best Theratronics manufacturing facility in Kanata, Ont., have been on strike since May 1, 2024, after their employer proposed 0% increases for two years. They say Operation Christmas Cheer’s visit brought some good feelings to the strike line.
“It gives you hope that people really do care,” said Unifor Local 1541 President Steve LaBelle. “Donations like this show us that we aren’t facing this alone.”
Operation Christmas Cheer is celebrating its 20th year on picket lines.
“The only mission we have is to bring cheer,” said organization co-founder Cas Robinson. “Every dollar raised and every donation we get goes directly into the hands of members on the strike line.”
Unifor members are entering their eighth month on the picket line with no relief in sight because this owner continues to break labour laws by refusing to bargain.
Unifor filed an unfair labour practice complaint on June 19 at the Canada Industrial Relations Board alleging the company’s actions violated, and continues to violate, numerous provisions of the Canada Labour Code. The union is awaiting the CIRB’s decision after attending a board hearing on Nov. 19 to 21, 2024.
The union is also waiting for movement from federal Labour Minister Steve MacKinnon after meeting with him in September.
Members are exhausted, but they continue to fight, said Dale Rath, Local 1541 strike captain.
“The support from Operation Christmas Cheer means so much to our members and their families,” he said. “We are entering our eighth month on the strike line, and we are all struggling. The generosity of these gifts helps lift people’s spirits, for sure.”