More than one year has passed since the publication of the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The Inquiry’s commissioners produced a comprehensive set of recommendations to be acted upon to end the cycle of violence that was founded from the beginning of colonialism and perpetuated by successive governments and institutions.
The COVID-19 pandemic may have delayed action by the federal government on the findings of the Inquiry, but the time for talk is over—it’s time for the government to deliver its national action plan that was expected last June.
October 4 is a day to honour murdered and missing Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirited peoples (MMIWG2S) while showing love and support to their families. Unifor stands united with the families of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls and calls on the Trudeau government to place the well-being of Indigenous women, girls and two spirited at the top of the legislative agenda.
Here are ways that you can stand united with the families of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls:
- Click here to tell Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Carolyn Bennett to get to work on a national action plan.
- Circulate the Unifor social media shareable with hashtags:
#WhyWeWearRed #MMIWG2S #NoMoreStolenSisters #NotInvisible #SISVigils
- Download and share this Unifor pdf poster
- Change your Facebook profile photo
- On October 4 at 2 p.m. Eastern, participate in the Native Women’s Association of Canada’s (NWAC) live streamed national vigil https://www.nwac.ca/event/sisters-in-spirit-virtual-vigil/
- For commemorative activities either live or online check NWAC’s website for all registered events across the country on or around October 4. (In light of COVID-19, if you are participating in a live event, please make sure to maintain safe physical distancing, respecting your province or territory’s health regulations.)
- Follow @NWAC_CA on Twitter and Facebook and repost their updates.
Artwork by Jeannie Red Eagle