National Update #3


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

With the third wave of Covid shutting down meetings and preventing any national bargaining from occurring, we have agreed to a one year agreement with the employer, subject to ratification by the membership. 

This was not an easy decision to make, your National Committee members from across Canada debated what to do and felt given all of the circumstances, that this is our best option for now. If an agreement was not reached we were going to have to cancel our May bargaining dates and look to the fall to see if there would be any way to bargain in person, bargaining face to face is unlikely at all for this year.

With a one year deal, we put increased wages and monies immediately into the members’ pockets and then can come back to bargaining in early 2022 to meet face to face with the employer. We have agreed to start bargaining directly at the national table in 2022 rather than delaying with provincial bargaining first. This is not a perfect solution, as we have many proposals and issues that need addressing but they cannot be dealt with effectively via email or video based bargaining. The employer also has a set of contentious proposals that we would have to deal with if a one year deal was not in place.

Further details will be released soon, each province is responsible to ratify the agreement based on their schedule and process, please contact your Local Union and Local Unit Chairperson or watch the bulletin boards for more details.

It is imperative that all members sign up to receive direct bargaining updates on the Unifor national website at or that you provide your private email to your Local Union as some provinces will be using secure and secret ballot online voting.

In solidarity,

Your Loomis National Master Bargaining Committee