Multi-award winning author Nancy MacLean to speak at Unifor convention

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What led to the rise of libertarianism and the radical right in the United States?

According to award-winning American historian Nancy MacLean, the rich and powerful are trying to fundamentally alter the rules of democratic governance in the U.S.  In her latest book, 'Democracy in Chains', MacLean says that behind today’s headlines of billionaires taking over U.S. politics is a secretive political establishment with long, deep, and troubling roots.

MacLean is a Professor of History and Public Policy at Duke University. Her research focuses on race, gender, labor history and social movements in 20th century U.S. history.

Although she has written a handful of other books, 'Democracy in Chains' caused an uproar among republicans and media pundits. On Mises Wire, one commenter wrote, "No doubt she’s a rabid feminazi, anti-Southerner, socialist and pathologically focused on race and gender. She’s a historical victimologist who produces nothing of value."

MacLean said she was shocked by the vicious attacks and “such rhetorical bullying would be laughable if it weren’t part of a pattern on the right.”

Delegates will be sure to enjoy her speech and for those who can’t make it to the convention, she’ll be live on the Unifor Facebook page August 19.