The Honourable Doug Ford, M.P.P.
Premier of Ontario
Dear Premier Ford,
Re: Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022
The extraordinary action your government has taken, through the Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022, to deny CUPE members their constitutional right to strike, but also deny their right to free and fair collective bargaining, is an egregious and needless assault on trade union freedoms.
Unifor’s 40,000 unionized autoworkers have a long, proud history in Ontario – securing good, family-supporting, community-building jobs through collective bargaining and, when necessary, by exercising our right to strike.
Premier Ford, this legislation is excessive, imprudent and unfair. The invocation of Section 33 of the Charter (the notwithstanding clause), in this circumstance, goes beyond the bounds of what is fair and reasonable in a democratic society. It ignores the history of challenging, but ultimately constructive labour relations that has benefitted this province. We demand that your government rescind this legislation, immediately.
Your government is setting a dangerous precedent, and our members will not stand idle as you undermine the most fundamental rights.
We issue this notice that Unifor’s Auto and Independent Parts Supplier Councils, in coordination with affiliate local unions, will be exploring all options in the coming days to respond to these actions. We stand in solidarity with CUPE members.
John D’Agnolo Emile Nabbout
Chair, Unifor Auto Council Chair, Unifor IPS Council
President, Unifor Local 200 President, Unifor Local 195