Unifor is appalled by the misogyny and hateful events, known as Return of Kings, that were being organized by Roosh V’s online hate group for February 6. Our union along with activists across the country sent a coordinated and united message that hate and violence towards women, gay and transgender people is not welcome in Canada.
“It is unacceptable that violence against women still permeates in our society, and the likes of Roosh V can pass off deep-rooted hate as a social function,” Unifor National President Jerry Dias said. “I am disgusted that such blatant misogyny and homophobia could even be permitted as an event.”
To show opposition to the Return of the Kings meet-ups, Unifor issued messages to mobilize and speak out on social media. Thanks to the efforts of community activists, including our own members, who acted quickly against this form of sexism, homophobia and transphobia, the official Return of Kings events have been cancelled worldwide.
These types of events are a reminder to all of us that we must actively work and speak out to eliminate hate. Roosh V’s group seeks to usher in a return of so-called masculinity which perpetuates damaging ideas about women. If left unchecked we, as trade unionists that are fighting for a better world, allow the unacceptable behaviour of these men to exist.
Our union was founded with a commitment to equality and we must continue to act to send a clear message that hate is not welcome here or anywhere.
Whether it is in the workplace or in the community, actions are needed to actively work against discrimination and hate including by demonstrating against gender-based violence and harassment. The actions of Unifor members today, and tomorrow, are a necessary part of our effort to create a better Canada.
Together we can stop and eliminate violence and hate against all women and girls, but to do this, it will take all of us.