First agreement reached for rural Nova Scotia telecom unit

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Telecommunications workers at Eastlink along the South Shore of Nova Scotia secured their first agreement this week. These workers are technicians responsible for the maintenance, installation and repair of telecommunications services.

In a fiercely competitive industry, the bargaining team was able to secure the same contract as counterparts in the Halifax area which had decades of bargaining gains in them.

“This committee knew what they needed to make their work environments better,” said Roch LeBlanc, Unifor National Representative. “Their focus and excellent preparation led the team to secure gains for workers in this unit including a commitment from the employer on the frequency of stand-by work.”

The unit has many long-term employees, some who started with the company as early as 1985.

The union congratulates the bargaining committee on securing this collective agreement, particularly Don Lemoyne, Randy Outhouse and Local President Todd Beaver.