Celebrate, inspire and connect on International Women’s Day

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Never underestimate the power of women IWD Unifor logo

March 8 is International Women’s Day and Unifor is not going to let COVID-19 stop us from celebrating our activism.

“This year we will celebrate the kickass women of our union and the work they do every day to fight for gender and economic justice,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National Secretary – Treasurer and chair of the union’s IWDigital Zoom gathering on March 8 at 7 PM ET.

 “We did not let the pandemic stop us from organizing for a better world, from getting elected to bargaining committees or from fighting for racial justice advocates, paid sick days, fair pay, emergency prescription drug coverage and much more.”

Unifor’s March 8th event will feature new videos celebrating the women of the union and it will also be a chance for the sisterhood to connect and share experiences in a safe online space.

“We know this pandemic has impacted us differently. We know that the past year has taken its toll, but it has also shone a light on equity and equality unlike we have seen in a long time. We need to keep that light burning bright,” said Payne.

The event is open to all women in Unifor from across the country and you must register in advance at this link.