DELTA, B.C.—Workers at the Cascades casino in Delta became Unifor’s newest members after the B.C. Labour Board certified the unit on January 24, 2023.
“Unifor is very proud to welcome a new group of hospitality and gaming workers into our union, joining thousands of Unifor members in the sector. We thank the Cascades workers for choosing Unifor and I know they are eager to get started on having a say in improving their working conditions,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.
More than 200 workers employed as dealers, slot attendants, guest services workers, food and beverage servers, cashiers, and security guards have joined Unifor Local 114 and will now begin the process of bargaining their first collective agreement.
“We look forward to negotiating a first contract for workers at Cascades,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “Unifor has been aggressive in achieving industry-leading agreements across the gaming and hospitality sectors.”
Unifor Local 3000 members at the Parq Casino and Resort are currently in bargaining to adjust wages to reflect Metro Vancouver’s high cost of living.
Unifor represents more than 22,000 workers in gaming and hospitality across the country. Gaming sector workers suffered some of the longest lay-offs during closures resulting from pandemic safety regulations.
Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.