Bulletin #3




The General meeting scheduled for Wednesday March 18 has been cancelled due to concerns surrounding COVID-19. We will reschedule at a later date. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Bargaining with BellMTS resumed on March 10. Because we are dealing with Bell we did NOT get in all three scheduled days. The final day was cancelled because Bell could not get a response back to your committee.

It was fantastic to re-start the bargaining and know so many of you wore red to work on March 10. That visual support for your committee is a tremendous help at the bargaining table. It tells Bell that these are your concerns and not just concerns “made up” by the committee.

We whittled away this week at some smaller issues and made progress through most of the non-monetary issues. We had the opportunity to speak to Bell about your concerns on job security and made it clear we needed something concrete to stop the job erosion. While we had some constructive discussions, talks stopped because Bell could not get an answer to us in a timely manner. We expect to have this answer when we return to bargaining on March 24th.

If you would like to get this update by email please contact your president directly and send a personal, non-work email to @email

Strength Lies in Solidarity!

Patty Deschamps                                Laura Stranieri                        Shawn Scott

Jackie Prynne                                      Marc Thaczuk                          Amy Harris

Paul McKie