Bulletin #1



We opened bargaining on Feb. 11 with BellMTS. This is where we brought your concerns about job security to the table and gave our proposals to the Company.

This is a very different set of negotiations for Unifor Local 7. The first set where Bell is fully in control of the company and directs the local BellMTS company bargaining team.

Your bargaining committee saw this first hand this week when bargaining was suspended early until we meet again on our next scheduled bargaining date of March 10. The Company could not respond to your proposals and concerns until Bell had a chance to review them.

We know you have felt the effects of Bell’s ownership. Since Bell took over there has been a steady migration off good-paying jobs from Manitoba to minimum wages jobs in Ontario. The Local has seen the erosion of more than 200 jobs since the Bell acquisition.

We will address your concerns on job loss and security at the bargaining table. This bulletin is the first of many ways we will be reaching out to you during this set of negotiations.

If you would like to receive this bulletin by email please provide your personal , non-work email address to the Local at @email

Strength Lies in Solidarity!

Patty Deschamps

Laura Stranieri

Shawn Scott

Jackie Prynne

Marc Thaczuk

Amy Harris

Paul McKie