Bell clerical negotiations reach impasse and apply for conciliation

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Dear members,

This week, after many discussions, proposals drafted, redrafted and weeks of waiting, we were expecting a response in regards to our teleworking proposal from the Employer. However, it was very evident when they came back with their response that the Employer never intended to address our concerns to secure teleworking and even came back with a position that tried to deprive us of our right to grieve in case of disagreement.  It was made very clear to the Union that they have no intention to add teleworking to the collective agreement and instead intend on leaving it as a policy where the Union has no opportunity to represent you.  Further, it was very evident that after we introduced the topic of job security, where we made it very clear that after years of erosion of your jobs by way of contracting out, outsourcing, automation and attrition without replacement, that the Company was not prepared to take our demand regarding a floor of employment seriously. Faced with this impasse, as your bargaining committee, we have made the decision to apply for conciliation.  

Information meetings will be scheduled with your local leadership in order to review the situation and to answer your questions or concerns. At this point, like in the past, mobilization will be crucial and your continued solidarity and support at this time is paramount.

We want to assure you that your bargaining committee heard you loud and clear when you told us that teleworking, job security and wages were your key priorities and with your help we will continue to fight to fulfill these mandates that are of upmost importance to you.

In solidarity,

Clerical and Associated Employees Bell Bargaining Committee

Dana-Anne James                                                                  Mohsen Ben Kheder
Veronique Prévost                                                                 Steve Couillard
Simona Sladkowski                                                                Raymond Thibert
Nena Bogdanovich – National Representative                Myriam Germain – National Representative